Alimentary Systems Limited, Matthew Jackson Ask Me Anything In this blog, we sit down with Harmaan and asked him a few questions about what he aims to achieve in New Zealand with climate change and 3waters reform. Provide us with a quick snapshot of the busi... circular economy Sustainable Development Goals UNSDG waste water climate zero zeroemissions
Harmaan Madon Sh*t happens or.... Unless you're sick or starving, you're probably on the toilet at least once a day. While sitting on the loo often provides plenty of time for contemplation, have you ever wondered what happens once yo... biogas circular economy waste water climate zero zeroemissions zerowaste
Harmaan Madon Transitioning from a Coal-and-Oil-based Energy Economy to a Bioenergy Economy Energy and economic growth are inseparable and intertwined: you can’t have one without the other. As India struggles with its ‘usual’ challenges of ensuring economic growth and consumption, completing... bioenergy clean energy fossil fuels transition engineering zero carbon
Alimentary Systems Limited, Matthew Jackson Bioenergy in New Zealand could power 20% of our energy needs Bioenergy should form a fundamental part of any country's energy strategy, more so in New Zealand, where agriculture accounts for half of all GHG emissions. When we include GHG emissions from municipa... bioenergy carbonzero transition engineering waste to energy
Alimentary Systems Limited, Matthew Jackson Wastewater Sludge is an Asset Most people rarely think about the wastewater produced daily from their showers, baths, sinks, dishwashers, waste disposals and toilets. We believe this water can be converted from waste to energy to ... circular wastewater systems convert waste into energy convert wastewater into value wastewater rates wastewater value