Value Created from the Bioenergy Resource Recovery Plant Offsets All Costs

Clean Water

Prevent the leaching of wastewater sludge into landfills and waterways. Improve relationships with Iwi by respecting Kaitiakitanga.

Clean Energy

Create methane that can be connected to the natural grid and used for heating and cooking. Repurpose our waste and redeploy existing assets and skills from the oil and gas industry.

Energy Resiliency

A small BRRP could also power 400 electric vehicles, a large one 2,500 homes. We can generate electricity to power the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The WWTP is typically a council's largest single source of energy emissions.

Carbon Risk Management

Reduce emissions liability and complexity for organic waste by understanding the emissions from your region's organic value streams. More land efficient than composting, less underground gas infrastructure. At smaller sizes with local risk management, the cost of transport and operations emissions decrease.